Thursday, December 27, 2007

Perfume from Old Gardens

Perfume from old gardens
Like yellow leaves are
Love scents of life
Daydreams and wishing star
Where every day's alive
Till the night comes new
Fallen landscape arrows
Glisten gleaming through

Flowers and the petals
Now under blue moon
Rising over the shadows
From the eve and noon
Heart with its many echoes
Beats in time and lost
Through the flow of open
Into earth's dark rust

Daydreams in memory
Catching crimson shades
Slowing up in motion
Every instance fades
Landscapes in their secrets
To none are owned
Unbeknownst to the future
What colors haven't toned

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Secret Desires

Secret desires of evening befalls
In to the glow of gone moving waves
The thoughts in blossoms spreading its craves
Making traces of glisten finger's sprawls
Love songs through the houses carry the streets
As evening comes whispering silence
Each for a desire for something its treats
In its many yielding of offshore trance

The hours casting to the dreams that will come
In the secretly emotions of night
Gentleness to adore in deep water hue
Where everything of fantasies is from
The velvety depths of the soft born light
That always comes fresh - touching things new

Cold Secrets

Cold is cold
Like frozen river
Each its turn
Passing between the flows
Of icily hands

The channels
Of bitter inside
The bright crystals
Of glowing twinkling
Winter thoughts

A seed stillborn
Lies in the cradle of earth
Unmoving its sleep
And lost
In time’s spring
Never to come

Day's Fever

Oh fever of day
Come here to my heart
And make it cry
To the night

The sorrow
Is always walking
Among shadowed trees
And death

Embrace the flowers
Those are falling

Happy Year

The wild beauty is coming in clear new
With ravines winter's territory
The aflame of frosty fires to see
Majesty of coldness that comes through
The moment's going to a year that is gone
Devoured with many of its walking life
Railways to forgetfulness pathways done
From its childhood to the old did it strife

Happy year I say to those who answer
A new is born soon to give more ages
Weight upon its fresh on coming bearing
To be in colors of each tidings wear
That growth and aspiring to each wages
With many of its old ways and flaring

Clock Echo

I sat down
Without any reason at all
Clearing seeds sown
Poem that would make its call
The silences to ring
Into the pool of emptiness
So the words would again sing
Its thoughts caress

Bright stars to collide
In to the deep astray gone
Thoughts of inspiration hide
Nowhere for now for none
Shadows in black numbers
Each on a blank page
A line to none such slumbers
Carrying empty wage

Ring incredible thought
From inside these walls
Out to the open brought
Though none for moment's calls
Stale in its empty pool
Light of a clearing down
Emptiness freshness fuel
Each encouragement out of town

Oh Beautiful Springtime

Oh beautiful springtime come here again
In the basin green and so splendid all
In their youthful captures in spring call
Where each circling motion's never in vain
Under the clouds that are drifting here by
Fill my spirits of your wandering ways
Summerset moods the fresh colors and plays
Green valleys and mountains under blue sky
In hue oceans of tinctured completions
Love songs of the eve till dark skies come on
With dreams of their own weaving in to earth
Harmony voices and their accretions
When light wakes new morning in predawn
And gives brightness to every scene worth